A couple of months ago, I successfully funded a Kickstarter campaign to help me submit two of my scripts - my feature "The Realm of The Stones" and my original television pilot "Safe House" - to festivals and awards competitions. Today I am happy to announce that my original television pilot "Safe House" has made it into to the Quarter Finals at the Courier Awards! I have been in the Quarter Finals at other competetions twice before - at the Creative World Awards in 2013 and at Stage32's The Blood List in 2014. I've also been officially selected at the Beverly Hills Film Festival, and been a Semi-Finalist at the Creative World Awards in 2014. I'm pretty familiar with the way awards competitions work. Usually, Quarter Finals at these types of awards competitions select about 50-100 finalists, which is roughly half their application pool. However, with the Courier Awards, "Safe House" is one of only 29 finalists that made it in the Original Television Pilot category - which is about 1/8 of their application pool. Semi-finalists will be announced next month. You can view the full list of finalists at www.courierawards.com/2014-award-winners.html.